Carers – Corporate Parenting

Consultation has concluded

BCBC is committed to supporting carer experienced children and care leavers to reach their full potential. This will only be possible if education services, social services and others work effectively together to ensure: all children who are care experienced receive help and support which enables them to achieve educational outcomes which will support their life chances and increase opportunities for future study and employment.

In order to achieve this BCBC would like to invite all schools, children/young people and carers to contribute to the following survey and identify actions which will raise the educational ambitions, aspirations and results for our care experienced young people.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views and ideas!

BCBC is committed to supporting carer experienced children and care leavers to reach their full potential. This will only be possible if education services, social services and others work effectively together to ensure: all children who are care experienced receive help and support which enables them to achieve educational outcomes which will support their life chances and increase opportunities for future study and employment.

In order to achieve this BCBC would like to invite all schools, children/young people and carers to contribute to the following survey and identify actions which will raise the educational ambitions, aspirations and results for our care experienced young people.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views and ideas!