Community Recycling Centres Consultation

Consultation has concluded

The council is proposing to reduce the operating days of each community recycling centre by one day a week to meet the financial savings identified in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. Any proposals to amend the operating arrangements for the recycling centres needs to consider the views of the community and users of the sites.

Sites are currently operated seven days a week. Weekends would not be selected for closure as these are busier days.

Following consultation, if it is decided that recycling centres should close one weekday per week, officers will work with the current contractor Kier to ensure that the days chosen will cause minimal disruption to the public.

The council is proposing to reduce the operating days of each community recycling centre by one day a week to meet the financial savings identified in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy. Any proposals to amend the operating arrangements for the recycling centres needs to consider the views of the community and users of the sites.

Sites are currently operated seven days a week. Weekends would not be selected for closure as these are busier days.

Following consultation, if it is decided that recycling centres should close one weekday per week, officers will work with the current contractor Kier to ensure that the days chosen will cause minimal disruption to the public.