BCBC has been working to introduce Signs of Safety as the Practice Framework within Childrens Social Care. Following two launch days in April, Childrens Social Care staff have been offered two-day training, five-day training and practice intensive sessions with Signs of Safety Licenced Consultant.
It is important for BCBC to learn how Signs of Safety is being used with children/young people, their families and carers. This is important at the initial implementation stage but also matters on a long-term basis so we can measure the success.
This questionnaire gives a measure of the extent to which you feel confident in using the whole process of Signs of Safety with children/young people, their families and carers while the framework is being developed in BCBC.
The final section has open-ended questions to allow you to feedback your opinions and worries. It uses the three key Signs of Safety questions: ‘what’s worrying you; what’s working well; what needs to change?’